Get Religious About New Year’s Resolutions

Resolve to be different, or not, but consider being religious about your choices.

Are you one to make New Year’s resolutions? Then, do you keep them? Or do you have a different method?

Like many others focused on personal growth as a lifestyle, I don’t resolve to be different once a year, I do that all year long. Instead of making resolutions, I use the fresh start of a new year to claim a theme for the year. I use that theme as a guide to living the life I choose and choosing the life I wish.

For example, I might choose a theme of simplicity. I could then use the word simplify as a touchstone, a reminder to guide my choices. “Simplify,” I can remind myself. “Is this choice moving me to simplicity or complexity?” I might ask myself.

If you are looking for a powerful fresh start method give this a try. I have found it to be really useful. But like other methods, your success depends on maintaining your motivation. How do you do that?

Get religious about it!

Hunh? I consider myself deeply Spiritual but not religious, so I was interested in what research revealed about which people are more likely to achieve their goals, religious or spiritual. Continue reading “Get Religious About New Year’s Resolutions”